Welcome to SIKM Boston!
Follow us on twitter at @sikmboston
Welcome to the "open" page of the SIKM Boston collaboration platform. On this public page non-members can learn more about us and register to join the SIKM Boston community site.
We are the Boston chapter of SIKM Leaders, an international gathering of Knowledge Management practitioners whose
goal is to share experiences and insights on implementing KM programs.
The SI KM Leaders’ central goal is to be a mutual resource:
A sounding board and creative presence in each others’ KM practices. This we accomplish through workshopping, sharing best practices, and sharing our respective networks.
On the community site you will see the detailed charter, meeting notes, announcement, job opportunities and discussions. SIKM Boston site is a place for us to share and access insights from our peers. Consider it a place for mutual inspiration: Give and receive links, documents, ideas, references, and even referrals.
SIKM Boston hosts a meeting once a month typically on the third Thursday at a member's workplace
Next meeting will be hosted on Thursday, 21 July, location to be decided.
Sample Discussion Topics
Gaming for bringing people into the sites we steward Market Pull and KM
Barbell in KM readiness Cloud KM
Please take a moment to sign in on the closed SIKM Boston site. When the meeting page is live, leave a comment or recommend topics for discussion.
KM Resources
Boston KM Forum (Our Sister Organization)
The KM Forum meets twice a month. A breakfast meeting is held the first Friday of the month and an afternoon meeting is held the third Thursday of the month from 400pm - 600pm. Full-day meetings are held quarterly. Visit About the Boston KM Forum for more information.
KM Groups on LinkedIn Member’s Blogs
Knowledge Jolt withJack http://attspin.blogspot.com/ Gurteen Knowledge Community Knowledge Management http://www.informationarchitected.com/category/blog/ Inside Knowledge Knowledge Management Experts Bridges To Knowledge: A Blog byBarry Camson www.pattianklam.com http://www.alignconsulting.ie/
Register to join the SIKM Boston community site.
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